Here are a few reasons that giving regularly Links is so important to us and the work we carry out around the world.
We are celebrating a year since we started using and developing the Links Africa Hub in Kenya.
This February Joe had the opportunity of visiting Badajoz en Extramadura, Spain. It was an amazing time and such an honour for us to be connected with such great work.
Fundraising is such a powerful way to support us! Here are five reasons for you to join the adventure and put the fun into fundraising.
As we stand at the beginning of a brand new year, there’s a feeling that stirs in our hearts - an excitement, an anticipation, a sense of wonder at all that lies ahead. At Links, we are entering this new chapter with great expectancy for all that God is going to do in our lives, in our organisation and in communities all around the world.
It is an honour and a privilege for us to partner with 360 Life and the incredible work they are doing. Here's some background on the amazing initiative and what it offers.
Fundraising is a powerful tool in helping us address the world's most pressing challenges. But the best part? Everyone can get involved.
What an amazing Colombia trip! The whole team were challenged and impacted once again by the incredible generosity and love of the communities that we engaged with and have been reminded of how very blessed they are in so many ways. The team has returned with a love for Colombia and the amazing partners that we have in the nation.