
Good Together

October 1, 2024

Here are some partner updates from our amazing team over at Links USA!

The Caribbean (NEW!)
Welcome TGC to our  For the safety of the mission workers, churches, and the community, we aren't disclosing the full name or specific country, but the organisation is located within the Caribbean Islands. Please be in prayer for TGC and the teams traveling back and forth as they are working to engage, assist, encourage, train, and support the local island's church planters and missionaries. This is incredible, kingdom work and we are happy they have partnered with Links!
Mercy Trust in Pakistan is developing a NEW Computer and English Language Skills Vocational Training Centre for young women at Christ Community Church. Here are some prayer requests from Mercy Trust:
> Please pray that we may develop partnerships with potential partners for the growth of God's Kingdom in Pakistan.
> Please pray that God may provide us with more resources for the expansion of our newly established vocational training centre for young Christian women.
At Tiwala Kids & Communities over the past two months, God has enabled them to hold their first-ever camp for scholars this year. Around 35 young people from Legazpi City, Manito Albay, and Vinzons Camarines Norte (another province) came together, and God did some amazing work in their hearts. They also reached out to many children throughout the summer through Vacation Bible School. Praise God for three new outreach communities that have opened up for them this year!

> Please pray for God to nurture the seeds planted in the hearts of these young people, so that they may grow, bear fruit, and lead to real transformation in their lives.
> Pray for the scholars to remain committed and consistent in growing and thriving in their personal walk with the Lord.
> Pray for wisdom, guidance, and empowerment for our team and our volunteer workers as we continue to minister to the kids, families, and communities.
In the past few months at FIAM India, they have:
> Facilitated 3 months of meals and educational programs at the nearest slum for 104 children.
> Provided seeds and financial support for flood victim farmers to restart their crops after the floods.
> Helped provide for the daily needs of those who are elderly and those with leprosy.
> Gave books, school uniforms, and other school stationery to orphan children.
> Distributed blankets, cooking vessels, clothes, beds and more to flood victims in the community of Vijayawada, who lost everything in the recent flooding.

Prayers for India:
Persecution to Christians is increasing daily, and some of the country's leaders are now cruelly demolishing church buildings with bulldozers and forcing Christians back into Hinduism. Pray for our partners who are under this persecution, for protection over their places of worship, and that their faith would remain strong during these trials. Also, please continue to pray for the flood victims, the team at FIAM, and those they serve every day.

Prayers That Change The World

October 1, 2024

We believe that prayer changes things! Our words change things! We want to ask you to commit to stand and pray with us, to pray for the work of Links, for the nations, and for our partners.

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Thank You Ann & Mandy

October 1, 2024

This month we say goodbye to Mandy and Ann as they start exciting new chapters. Though we are all sad to see Mandy and Ann go, we are also super excited for all that God has for them in this next season!

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In It Together in The Philippines

October 1, 2024

Joe and Jacob recently went on a trip to The Philippines where they were able to connect with existing Links partners and also build relationships with new ones. It was a great time and they saw God moving powerfully during their time there.

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Five Pillars of Transformation

September 2, 2024

In Links we believe in working together with our partners to bring holistic solutions to confront poverty and to create potential. We do this through five areas.

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Changing Lives a Mile at a Time

September 2, 2024

We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has registered their interest for next year's London Marathon. It's been amazing to see so many runners coming forward to take on the challenge! Our London Marathon 2025 team is now full and we already have people on the waiting list for 2026!

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