May 1, 2024
"In the midst of devastation in the community due to the fire, we are thankful... for a God who makes all things NEW. Jesus is true HOPE." - Kalayaan Community Ministries (KCM)
A few weeks ago, a huge fire ripped through the community around our partners KCM in Tondo, Manila, Philippines. KCM immediately opened up their doors to provide a safe space for families in need. They are still doing all they can to provide support, care and refuge to those who need it.
Thankfully, some residents have now been told by local authorities it is safe to rebuild. Others are still waiting while the land is made safe. The KCM building teams have begun building some of the houses.
Please keep our partners KCM, and everyone affected by this horrific tragedy, in your prayers and please consider donating to ensure they can continue having a huge impact on many lives in Manila. When donating, please specify 'KCM fire' so we can ensure your money is allocated to this. Thank you.
February 28, 2025
We are celebrating a year since we started using and developing the Links Africa Hub in Kenya.
February 28, 2025
This February Joe had the opportunity of visiting Badajoz en Extramadura, Spain. It was an amazing time and such an honour for us to be connected with such great work.
February 28, 2025
Fundraising is such a powerful way to support us! Here are five reasons for you to join the adventure and put the fun into fundraising.
January 31, 2025
As we stand at the beginning of a brand new year, there’s a feeling that stirs in our hearts - an excitement, an anticipation, a sense of wonder at all that lies ahead. At Links, we are entering this new chapter with great expectancy for all that God is going to do in our lives, in our organisation and in communities all around the world.