July 1, 2024
As our Links Africa Hub in Kenya develops, we hope that it will grow into a place for our partners to come, see and share holistic solutions to confronting poverty. Agriculture is one of these areas we want to develop such interventions.
In June, one of our Malawian partners, Luwani from Seeds of Promise, was in Kenya on a training course with some of their students. Amazingly, their training was in the same county as our hub, so we invited him to stay with us for a week.
To have a partner visit so early on to our new hub was really encouraging.
Luwani was brilliant in sharing his agricultural skills and sustainable farming ethos with our team at the site. At the hub, we have a plot similar size to many small-scale farmers, so we need to be creative and innovative with the practices and methods used.
Composting is vital to feeding the soil, whereas fertilisers only feed the seed planted. Luwani and the site staff worked together to create a thermal composting area where we can utilise the manure from our cattle and kitchen waste to layer up some good fertile soil.
We hope to continue and develop more sustainable farming techniques to showcase with our partners how to farm both effectively and responsibly. The farm is also helping to reduce costs as the produce is being used to feed our 8-10 workers on site, with any surplus being sold.