
Pray For Pakistan

July 1, 2024

We have amazing partners working in Pakistan, we caught up with one of them to hear about the reality of being a Christian in Pakistan, and how we can support and pray for them.
Pakistan is a country of colour, wonderful hospitality and food, the best food in the world. However, it's also a country struggling with poverty and many social issues.

Although Muslims and Christians live together there is always potential of an outbreak of violence, often from false allegations of blasphemy which can lead to Christians and Christian townships, or villages, being attacked.

Some of the issues the Christian community face, and are experiencing, are hostility, persecution and discrimination. The U.S. Secretary of State has designated Pakistan a "country of particular concern" over violations to religious freedom.

For several years, many Christians have had to cope with all kinds of persecution, that has come in the shape of false blasphemy accusations, forced conversions, abductions, forced marriages and physical violence, and for many Christians, unless you are well-educated, it is hard to find employment.

For those who are poor they end up working as street sweepers and sanitary workers. Christian young women are very vulnerable. They are kidnapped, forced into Islamic marriages, and forced to convert to Islam.

It's very difficult and dangerous to convert to Christianity. After conversion most are rejected by their families and community and have to find a safe location to live in.

Some are seriously assaulted by their fathers or uncles. Isolation and loneliness are the realities for these newly baptised brothers and sisters, who come out of Islam.

Although churches are open and Pakistanis are free to worship, there has been several violent attacks on church buildings and services, which has led many congregations to appoint security guards for protection.

One of the difficulties is, if you speak or challenge the blasphemy law, you too can put your life at risk.

In 2011, Salman Taseer, who was the governor of Punjab was murdered by his own bodyguard because of his opposition to Pakistan's blasphemy law.

Pakistan's minister for minority affairs and a Christian leader, Shahbaz Bhatti, was martyred in 2011 after his car was shot at as he drove from his mother's home. He was murdered because he spoke against the blasphemy laws.

Prayer Points

- Pray for Christian ministries in Pakistan who aim to support Christians who live in poverty.
- Pray for Christian families who struggle financially, with rising bills and enough funds to pay for the education of their children.
- Pray for all those come to Christ. For their emotional and mental wellbeing.
- Pray for Christian schools for the teachers as they teach and for their needs to be met.
- Pray for the students to grow in their learning and also to receive good spiritual teaching.
- Pray for a Christian school to have enough funds to support teachers and practical needs for the school.
- Pray for the churches to keep on growing and welcome those who have converted.
- Pray for the safety of church leaders as they seek to minister the gospel in their churches.
- Pray for Christian girls to receive good education to help them get good employment, otherwise many will struggle to find good jobs.
- Pray for Christian girls who have and do experience all kinds of persecution and hardships.
- Pray for Christian nurses who experience all kinds of harassment and hardships in their work place.
- Pray for Pakistan as a nation for God to work and change hearts and for communities to live together in peace and harmony.
- Pray for the government to be guided to work for the good of all people in Pakistan

Our partners are doing vital work out in Pakistan. If you would like to support them to continue bringing change, please do donate to us and specify 'Pakistan'. Thank you!

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