
Visiting the Warm Heart of Africa

September 29, 2022

As we write this, Ann, Mandy and Paula are on their Malawi trip! We caught up with them before they left to find out how they were feeling about the trip and how we could pray!

What are you looking forward to?

Mandy: 'I'm looking forward to meeting partners who I only know by name and have only ever spoken to via email, and excited to see their projects and what Malawi is actually like - it's probably so different from how I have pictured it in my head!'

Paula: 'I am particularly looking forward to meeting our partners and seeing their work first hand. Also looking forward to visiting our Links Africa office and taking part in some training.'

Ann: 'Well, my first ever trip with Links was as a volunteer to Malawi and we're pretty much going to be revisiting those same locations. I haven't been there for many years now, so I'm very much looking forward to being back in the land of the 'warm heart of Africa!' For me, it's the human connection once again, that I'm very much looking forward to. It's been a blessing and a privilege to have the technology we do to hold Zoom trainings etc. but nothing quite replaces the human, face-to-face interaction, does it? The easier flow and exchange of thoughts, insights and spontaneity that comes from being in the room together with the participants and partners. Some of the partners I have never met, so it'll be good to be able to put faces to names. Also, absolutely looking forward to being on team with Paula and Mandy and seeing our very own Sam, once again!'

What challenges do you think you might face?

Mandy: 'I'm not good with flying and haven't flown for over 20 years. I'm also quite shy so although I'm excited to meet everyone, I'm also feeling a bit scared about it and doing the training. It is a step or several out of my comfort zone.'

Paula: 'Having not been to Africa before, challenges for me will be around adjusting to the culture, climate and environment.'

Ann: 'The Covid-19 pandemic has affected everyone throughout the world, in one way or another and I think it's affected the world itself, not just the people - the world has changed. So I feel we will need to listen and observe more than we talk or teach. The difference in our cultures can be a challenge - for me, not so much the food, the climate, the language but more the challenge of coming from the minority, wealthy part of the globe into the majority poor and the thoughts and feelings that stirs up.'

Is there anything specific we can pray for?

Mandy: 'Please can you pray for courage, strength and calm - I am feeling quite anxious about the trip, as well as excited. Please can you pray for safe travels for us all and that our time over there will be blessed and fruitful, not just for us but for the participants in the training and the summit.'

Paula: 'Your prayers would be greatly appreciated for smooth travel, safety and wellness and that we can bless the people there as much as the trip is blessing us.'

Ann: 'So many ways and aspects to pray into but I've picked out three.
1. Safe travel and health for the team and all the partners/participants.
2. Our ears, eyes, minds and hearts to be alert to the context around us; that we would be very sensitive to God's leading and open to being surprised by God.
3. That in some small way, God's kingdom will come and His will be done in each one of us and through us - the Links team and also, every partner and participant we meet and every other connection we make. I always think of a trip like this as a coming together of stories - God's story in their lives and in mine - in ours. I's a unique thing and we don't want to miss any part of God's purpose in that interweaving of those stories over these 10 days.'
We are believing it is going to be an incredible time for all involved! Please keep Ann, Mandy, Paula and Sam in your prayers - as well as our partners and everyone they will come in to contact with during the trip. Thank you!

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Links and Arun Church in Colombia

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