February 28, 2025
This February Joe had the opportunity of visiting Badajoz en Extramadura, Spain. This was at the invitation of Christian Chamorro, who leads Comunidad Cristiana Esperanza (CCE) a vibrant multicultural church in the city of Badajoz. The church has a beautiful mixture of members from across the Americas and from mainland Spain and as such as a strong focus on missional activity both in their immediate community and looking to partner more intentionally particularly within Latin American countries.
Alongside spending time with the church and its leadership, Joe was also invited to speak to the youth gathering of the Alianza Evangelica Española (AEE), the Spanish Evangelical Alliance in the first gathering of the year.
Joe Writes:
It was so amazing to join with believers from right across the evangelical spectrum of denominations - sharing about discipleship, by understanding what that meant in the world of Jesus. Within the teaching throughout the the day I was also able to share my testimony of how God rescued me out of anorexia and many other self-destructive tendencies in my youth, which really seemed to hit home with the young people. There followed an incredibly powerful time of ministry, with The Holy Spirit bring freedom and deliverance to many. Such an honour to be able to join in this great work!
Following the day with the AEE, I had the opportunity to speak at the church, Comunidad Cristiana Esperanza. Again, The Holy Spirit moved really powerfully as people responded to the message. With such a large Latin American contingent within the church, many of whom were from Colombia, I felt very much at home.
Links is so excited to be able to continue to work closely in partnership with CCE to see their mission, strategy and goals realised both within Spain and Latin America!
February 28, 2025
We are celebrating a year since we started using and developing the Links Africa Hub in Kenya.
February 28, 2025
Fundraising is such a powerful way to support us! Here are five reasons for you to join the adventure and put the fun into fundraising.
January 31, 2025
As we stand at the beginning of a brand new year, there’s a feeling that stirs in our hearts - an excitement, an anticipation, a sense of wonder at all that lies ahead. At Links, we are entering this new chapter with great expectancy for all that God is going to do in our lives, in our organisation and in communities all around the world.