
Zambia and Malawi Impact Visits

September 2, 2024

This month Sam Walker, our Africa Region Coordinator, was in Malawi and Zambia catching up with our partners there, doing training and project visits. Here is how our partners are doing:

'After almost 3 years we have managed to visit in-person our long-term partners Shiloh Hands of Hope in Zambia. It was amazing to celebrate and thank our God for his faithfulness through 10 years of partnership with Links.

'Shiloh has, in particular, been involved in shaping our CHC SHINE programme over the years. They now have 12 established CHC volunteer groups that continue to meet monthly to gain more health knowledge and plan the teaching for their communities. The confidence of the CHC volunteers was amazing to witness; their commitment and understanding of key health messages is improving and saving lives.

'As I visited some communities, it was evident that not just health messages had made an impact, but leadership training of chiefs and pastors has driven development and order in communities that were once unhealthy, disorganised and lacking vision. They are now clean and there is a tangible sense of hope for the future. Businesses, empowered through MED, are helping households to progress with their quality of life. I saw many homes being rebuilt from mud to brick, straw to sheeting! And chiefs are now feeling proud of their communities and what they have achieved together.

'In Malawi, with VIBITAC, I visited some key MED borrowers who are pushing their entrepreneur skills to the limit, having multiple businesses in communities far from urban centres. Women in business, in particular, are being given capital to supplement their households' income alongside their husbands'. Many women borrowers expressed their joy that their kids are now attending school regularly as they can pay the fees.

'All these snapshots of our partners programmes and projects show how holistic vision and empowerment can change not just individuals but households and communities. The impact is wide!'

Continue to support our African partners like VIBITAC and Shiloh through our Links Africa Hub Impact Appeal.

Five Pillars of Transformation

September 2, 2024

In Links we believe in working together with our partners to bring holistic solutions to confront poverty and to create potential. We do this through five areas.

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Changing Lives a Mile at a Time

September 2, 2024

We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has registered their interest for next year's London Marathon. It's been amazing to see so many runners coming forward to take on the challenge! Our London Marathon 2025 team is now full and we already have people on the waiting list for 2026!

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Quiz Fundraiser

August 1, 2024

We recently held a Quiz Fundraiser to raise funds towards our Colombia trip in October.

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Committed to the Vision

August 1, 2024

This month of July saw Sam Walker, our Africa Region Coordinator, head back to Malawi to see how our partners are getting on since we relocated our regional hub to Kenya at the start of 2024.

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Thank You Ashwood Church

July 31, 2024

This month, our CEO Joe Gisbey, was able to connect with a number of partners, one of which was Ashwood Church in Kirkby in Ashfield where he had the opportunity to share with our good friends there.

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